Visualization Challenges


Student dropout rates for MOOCs have been on the rise in recent months and you call a meeting to explore the issue. Several members of your team rally around an improved student engagement strategy that includes brick and mortar Learning Community Centers. They argue that the latest student surveys point to a need for building more meaningful personal relationships as part of their learning experience.

One of the more outspoken dissidents pushes back, reminding everyone that a core differentiator of your offering is your small and growing partnership with local community centers. In fact, she posits, other research suggests that what's missing is not more human contact, but higher quality burritos.

Burritos, it turns out, especially those made with barbacoa, are known to release high levels of Oxytocin into the bloodstream, helping to reinforce human bonding among your students.

After some debate, the team aligns itself with this theory and you decide to plot barbacao burrito quality around the country to look for correlations in rates of student attrition.

To this end you choose to use a heatmap, or chloropleth, to visualize barbacoa burrito quality at the county-level across the US. The source of the data is available through an API provided by a nationally reknown burrito chain whose slogan is "burritos as big as your cabeza".

Example chloropleth

Unfortunately the API doesn't give you the right shape of data for your heatmap.

This challenge invites you to reshape the data returned from an unfamiliar API into something useful.

Good luck!

Click to curl


Ideally, the data will be in a simple CSV with two columns: id and rate. Id is the FIPS county ID, and rate is a percent expressed as a decimal.



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Barbacoa burrito quality across the US, darker is yummier